Central Cascades Winter Recreation Council

winter recreation clubs and organizations
The clubs below are active in the I-90 corridor and they do a tremendous amount of trail stewardship and management for your enjoyment. If it wasn't for these clubs, we wouldn't have Sno-Parks and a groomed trail system.
We are a group of people who love sled dogs and the sport of mushing. NWSDA organizes and promotes a variety of sled dog activities ranging from races to recreational and family events as well as serving to educate the public as to the joys of living and working with sled dogs.
The Mountaineers' Meany Lodge located near Stampede Pass offers a welcome respite from the chaos of cities and commercial ski areas. Meany Lodge operates on weekends only with a small committee and help from everyone attending the weekend. Open to the public and Mountaineer members, winter time offers downhill skiing, snowboarding with groomed slopes for beginners and low intermediate levels and lift assisted to reach back country areas. There is also 1.5 miles of groomed XC trails on the campus and 14 miles of groomed multi-use non-motorized trails within half a mile of the lodge.
Trollhaugen is a year-round recreation lodge for members of the Sons and Daughters of Norway. Built in 1973 on 12 acres leased from the US Forest Service, Trollhaugen offers its members access to the great Cascade mountains. Click on link above to learn more. Remember, you don't need to be Norwegian to be a Son or Daughter of Norway.
Ski For Light International, of which SFL Puget Sound is a regional chapter, is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization which teaches visually and mobility impaired people how to cross-country ski. Guides ski in parallel tracks and guide by voice. SFLPS meets six times a season, every other Saturday, at the Erling Stordahl Trails at Stampede Pass. Check out the web site www.SFL.org for info on regional, national and international events.
Ellensburg is located in central Washington State, on the east slopes of the Cascade Range. Our club members are primarily interested in various forms and degrees of "back-country" skiing. We are not a track-skiing or racing club. We have hundreds of miles of logging roads, trails and off-trail ridges and valleys just "out the back door". Although the Cascades are famous for "Cascade Concrete", here on the drier,colder east slopes we usually have no trouble finding great snow both during mid-winter and in spring. Good skiing can extend into May or even June.
The Kongsberger Ski Club was founded in the 1950s by a group of Norwegian ski jumpers, who built a cabin and a ski jumping hill at Cabin Creek. The club's focus soon changed to ski racing and today, in addition to hosting three races each winter and racing throughout the Pacific Northwest, across the country and in Europe, KSC members volunteer
hundreds of hours every year to design, build and maintain ski trails at Cabin Creek.
Snoqualmie Nordic Club (SNC) was formed in 1997 and is registered as a non-profit corporation with the State of Washington and the United States Ski Association. SNC was originally formed for the purpose of providing coaching and instruction to junior racers of the Snoqualmie Pass region and has evolved into a community-based organization that provides opportunities for all ages to learn and grow in the sport of Nordic skiing. SNC is comprised of members of all ages and maintains an open membership policy.
The Washington Ski Touring Club is a Seattle-based, recreation-oriented club of about 360 members who organize nordic classic, telemark, and backcountry touring ski trips. We have a monthly meeting with interesting programs on equipment, tours, weather, ski destinations, etc. (October to April). Our monthly meetings and day trips are open to all. However, much of our website such as Multi-Day Trips, Discussion Forums are open only to Members.
Our Mission: To create a national-caliber cross-country skiing program, developing athletes of all ages and skill levels both on snow and off. In the process, our program offers an opportunity for youth to improve their health and fitness, experience personal growth, and challenge themselves competitively through goal-setting and racing.
Momentum Northwest provides year-round, professional coaching and support and a technique-oriented development program to ensure that athletes learn how to ski well first and then ski fast. The training structure is designed specifically for young athletes, with emphasis on building strength and base endurance which helps foster long-term success in skiing and many other sports.

Cascade Backcountry Alliance
We are an advocacy group representing the unified voice of backcountry skiers, splitboarders, and snowshoers in the Pacific Northwest. Our mission is to protect and expand backcountry access opportunities through representation and relationships with land owners and decision makers, while educating the community about relevant information and existing access opportunities.