Happy Solstice!
Update Friday Dec. 22nd - snowing!!!
It seems we might get a bit more snow soon, lets hope it stays!
Earlier this month, CCWRC hosted the annual information sharing meeting in North Bend. Attending were various clubs, land and program managers, and interested individuals.
State Parks did a major overhaul on their website - parks.wa.gov. One hint for finding winter rec information: click on top banner "Find Sno-Parks". Or search on Sno-Park name, for example "Hyak Sno-Park". Recently reported grooming and conditions can be found when clicking on individual Sno-Parks. Lake Easton's once popular recorded current conditions phone line is no longer operating.
Nordic Pulse (real time grooming app) will be in operation again for those who like to keep tabs on Cabin Creek. This feature may be expanded for other Sno-Parks later this season.
One significant purchase for this winter was a new sno-cat! This new machine will groom from Hyak to Crystal Springs to Easton Reload as well as the Sled Dog trail system.
One major change is at Hyak, where REI will be renting snowshoes and sleds out of Hyak Sno-Park this season. https://www.snowrec.org/snowshoe
There also is a new hut out of Hyak ½ mile east of the Sno-Park as you head towards Crystal Springs. This hut was a dream of the Snoqualmie Nordic Club for a very long time.
New projects at Crystal Springs are the new wayfinding and trail name signs. These have arrived and are beautiful! Thanks for the volunteers who advocated for and are installing them.
In addition Crystal also has the newest solar powered electronic ticket spitter. It is installed and operational. Although, it is always best to purchase your permit in advance via Online or in person at a vendor.
A third project at Crystal is at Lot 4 where you will notice an ADA toilet and a grooming change for adaptive skiers. They can access Erling Stordahl and the P2C via the Crystal Dog Trail.
Meany Lodge, operated by the Seattle Mountaineers, is in full operation this season. Designated parking for Meany is also Lot 4.
Cabin Creek has a full schedule of regular grooming and special events. Check Kongsbergers Ski Club website for race information, weather and grooming.
Easton Reload managed by Lake Easton State Park will have snowshoe tours scheduled again this winter.
Lake Easton State Park and Easton Reload have highly variable snow conditions, be sure to check website before planning a visit to these 2 Sno-Parks.
Some Blewett Pass winter trails received some TLC in the form of brushing and logouts. This area is not groomed for non-motorized use, but options exist for ski touring, backcountry skiing and snowshoeing.
Grooming will start at Salmon La Sac as soon as there is enough snow.
A lot of hard work happens in the off season. Enjoy the results of those efforts! See you out there!