Holiday time and we can enjoy plenty of snow! Maybe even some at sea level.
Holiday schedule - pretty much all open everywhere except for Christmas Day. Whoo Hoo! I remember the old Sno-Park days when nothing was groomed or plowed on any winter holiday or the day after. So we are lucky now!
Some ski tips for these conditions - you may want to be a bit flexible since skating may be really soft and with continuous snow, set tracks may be filled in since it was last groomed.
For you snowshoers out there, how about trying out Easton Reload? The new snowshoe trail is marked! Easton Reload page.
It is snowing every day this month - almost. It is keeping those that work in the snow business quite busy. A tidbit on snow removal - don't be that guy in above photo! If you are going to park in a Sno-Park over night, at least move off to the side of the road or park in designated overnight areas. In Crystal Springs it is Lot 3 (snowmobiles) and Lot 4 for Meany Lodge and Trollhaugen visitors. No overnight parking is available in Hyak. Please do NOT park in any turn around and Sno-Parks are plowed at night.
Snow plow operators do not have time to dink around navigating peripheries of errant vehicles. After having spent much of my life in snow country, I've learned many operators do not give a hoot if you are cemented in. So get that shovel out and create yourself a parking spot off the travel way. Pack a big shovel and plan on challenges if it storms and they can't get the lot plowed the next day. That's the scoop. And yes, I've spent a lot of time shoveling parking spots..... and big berms.