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last blog for the season

Ski for Light at Erling Stordahl this Saturday concludes events for the season.

All in all, it was quite a year for us. Record flooding in November, then weeks with major snow storms resulting in hundreds and hundreds of trees snapping due to snow load. That was a time of gorgeous cold snow and unbelievable unprecedented crowds. Then a few of us didn't mind (too much) the slow fizzle (with a monsoon or two interspersed) with our El Nino weather resulting in the return to normal crowds. We were a little worried the grooming season would end weeks ago, but last weeks snow helped and we should be able to make it to the end of the season - March 31st.

Grooming and snow removal ends at the end of the month.

Some of the trails have washouts, but that is normal. The groomer operators do their best to plow snow into the holes, but eventually the stockpiles are depleted. Erling Stordahl is limited and the sled dog trails have washouts, but overall are still in great shape. The cold should have kept the snow in the low spots for the week.

Keep checking the Cabin Creek grooming report for updates.

Many thanks for all the volunteers that organize events, help maintain trails, those that pack out other peoples garbage and the multitude of behind the scenes help. The Sno-Park program is heavily dependent on its volunteers and would not be as robust as it is without them. We all appreciate your efforts.

Also, kudos to our dedicated contractors out there in the storms cutting trees, plowing, fixing stuff, and grooming for our playtime. You guys are fantastic!

Lastly, Lake Easton State Park staff is out there every weekend dealing with us. They are pros and have had to have gone home completely wiped out on some weekends. We are glad you are there. Thank you to all.

See you out there!



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